Welcome to Botany Department
Botany Department has been established in 2003. The mission of department is to make students innovative. Dept is having well equipped laboratory, Botanical garden. Our department is very active in research, students and teachers are actively involved in research activity. The department primarily runs the undergraduate courses in Botany.
The Department maintains Small Botanical Garden in the College, where fresh plant specimens required for practical are cultivated .Botany Department is located on the first floor of the main building. The staff of the department is highly trained having varied well in research and are dedicated to their subject giving conducive environment for all the students. The atmosphere of the department is always student-centric and healthy. The department is enthusiastic to educate the students through various curricular, co - curricular and extracurricular activities.
Faculty Profile
Dr. A.A. Aher Biodata |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc. M.Phil. SET, Ph.D | ![]() |
Dr. M.S. Pavane Biodata |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc. M.Ed. M. Phil. Ph.D. | ![]() |
- The Department has Collaboration with Krishi Vigyan Kendra Babhaleshwar for the training students in Nursery Management, Spirulina Cultivation Azolla Cultivation.
- The Department has Collaboration with Pravara Mushroom Farms and Training Center and Udyojakmitra Multisolution India Pvt.Ltd. Loni Tal-Rahata, Dist- Ahmednagar for mushroom cultivation technique.
- The faculty members have presented and published research paper in national and international conference, seminars etc.
- Ms. Aher A.A. Awarded Best Research Scholar in 1st International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in Agricultural, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Biology Agriculture SciTech and agriculture congress Association, Agra India on 12th June 2021
- Ms. Aher A.A. Awarded Ph.D. from SPPU Pune University on 10th march 2022.
- Ms. M.S. Pavane Awarded Ph.D. from SPPU Pune University on 22 July 2022.
- Dr. M.S. Pavane Awarded Research Excellence Award by Institute of Scholar 2021.

The Department of Chemistry was established in the year 2003 offering B.Sc. degree in Chemistry. In 2018 department introduced M. Sc. Analytical Chemistry as PG course. Presently eight faculty members are contributing to the development of the department. Besides teaching faculties a laboratory assistant and a laboratory attendant assist the laboratory work. To facilitate the teaching learning process department is ICT enabled with computers having broad-band connectivity and a LCD Projector. Departmental laboratory is equipped with numerous sophisticated equipments such as Systronic make micro controlled based Flame photometer with Na, K, Ca and Li filters, Systronic make UV visible spectrophotometer ranging from 200 to 1000 nm etc.
The faculty members also use new technology and models to provide knowledge regarding the subject. Department provides Soil and water analysis facilities for nearby farmers. Industrial visit is mandatory for Final year students of UG and PG degree. Campus interviews are arranged for students in our institute.
Courses Offered:
- B.Sc. Chemistry
- M.Sc Analytical Chemistry
Faculty Profile
Dr. V. R. Kadu Biodata |
Head & Assistant Professor, | M.Sc.(Organic Chemistry), Ph.D. | ![]() |
Mr. A. K. Kharde Biodata |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry), NET | ![]() |
Miss R. J. Gaikwad Biodata |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry), B. Ed. | ![]() |
Mr. S. B. Dighe Biodata |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc. (Analytical Chemistry), B.Ed | ![]() |
Miss. M. R. Waditake Biodata |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc. (Analytical Chemistry), B.Ed | ![]() |
Miss. P. B. Shirsath Biodata |
Assistant Professor, | M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry), B. Ed. | ![]() |
Miss. P. P. Jadhav Biodata |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry) | ![]() |
Miss. J. D. Shirsath Biodata |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry), B. Ed. | ![]() |
Departmental Activities
- For the overall development of students and staff department regularly arranges seminars, conferences and workshops.
- A multidisciplinary International level conference “Recent Advances in Humanities, Commerce and Science” on 10th February 2022.
- Two National level seminars- “Environmental Awareness- A need of 21st century” on 2nd to 4th February 2012 and “Green Technology for Sustainable Development (GTSD-2020)” on 14th-15th February 2020.
- Three State level seminar- “Green Chemistry: Step Change for Exploiting” on 21st Feb 2010, “Application of Spectroscopy in Chemical Structure Investigation” on 19th and 20th Feb 2016 and “Physico-chemical Applications of Nanotechnology” on 9th and 10th Feb 2018.
- The department has organized a webinar “Career Opportunities in Chemistry after B.Sc. and M.Sc.” on 9th September 2019.
- Department also runs a certificate course in “Soil and water analysis”.
- The staff members of the department have published 26 research papers in various International/National reputed, peer reviewed journals and proceeding.
- Department offered 15 days training programme for M.Sc. students “Guidance on Analytical methods and Equipment use in Pharma industry” on 1st to 15th March 2022.
Departmental Collaborations
- Megafine Pharma Pvt. Ltd., Nashik.
- Krushi Vigyan Kendra, Babhaleshwar.
- Nizarneshwar Dairy Products Ltd., Pravaranagar.
- P. Dr. V. V. P. Co. Sugar Factory, Pravaranagar.
- Shodh Advantech Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad.
- Atharva Agrochemical Industries, Dwarka, Nashik.
- Multimol Micro Fertilizer Industries, Sinnar, Nashik.
- Megafine Pharma Pvt. Ltd., Nashik.
- Student of our faculty Miss. Musmade Shobha Ashok of S.Y.B.Sc.has been selected as Senate Member, Savitribai Phule PuneUniversity, Pune.
- Miss.Jadhav Dipali Sanjay has been selected as President, Student Council of Savitribai Phule PuneUniversity, Pune.
- Miss. Chinde Jyoti Ashok has been Qualified NET Exam.

The department of Physics was established in the year 2003. Presently one faculty member is contributing to the development of the department. To facilitate the teaching learning process department is ICT enabled with good configuration computers with broadband connectivity. The faculty members also use new technology and models to provide knowledge regarding the subject.
Courses Offered:
- The department offers Physics subject at F.Y. & S.Y. level.
- The department also offers Remedial Coaching Classes and Bridge Course for Slow learners.
Faculty Profile
Mr. Pehere Babasaheb Mohan Biodata |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc., B.Ed., SET | ![]() |
- The department has organized two state level seminars funded by BCUD, SPPU Pune.
- Two students participated in ‘Avishkar’ Research Competition 2014.
- The department of Physics demonstrated nearby villagers the utilization and awareness of solar energy.
- The faculty member has published a research paper in a national level seminar.
- The faculty member has completed the online courses organized by Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Science Association Program

Career Guidance Program

Awareness Campaign

Educational Tour

The Department of Mathematics was established in the year 2018 at F.Y.B.Sc. U.G. level. Mathematics was introduced at S.Y.B.Sc. U.G. level in the academic year 2019-2020. Presently, one faculty member is working for the development of department. Faculty uses internet and other educational aids for updating her knowledge and teaching skills. Personal attention is paid to each student of the department.
Faculty Profile
Miss. Shraddha S. Tambe Biodata |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc. B. Ed | ![]() |
Departmental Activity
- The department has organized Quiz on the Occasion of National Mathematics day.
- Extension activity: Guest lecture: Guest lecture for 8 th standard Scholarship students was conducted at Bhagawatimata Vidya Mandir , Bhagwatipur.

The department of zoology is established in 2003. The department has a separate and well-equipped laboratory where all facilities are available for conducting the practical work. The department has a departmental library which contains 100 reference books and 04 journals. Special efforts are taken by the department to add latest Text books, Reference books and scientific journals in the Central library. The department has two teaching faculties who participate in various seminars, conferences and workshops. The department regularly organizes seminars, guest lectures, tours, field visits for the students.
The Department also extends the academic activities beyond the classroom in the form of conducting field study, participating in seminars, workshops and providing the crucial exposure to students. It also organizes extension activities like vermicompost production and uses for local farmers and students. The department has developed a vermi-composting unit and mulberry plantation.
Courses Offered:
- Zoology subject at F.Y and S.Y. B.Sc. U.G. Level.
- A Certificate Course in Vermicomposting.
Faculty Profile
Dr. P. D. Pulate
Biodata |
Vice-Principal, HOD & Assistant Professor | M.Sc., Ph.D. | ![]() |
Miss. A. N. Shinde Biodata |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc. | ![]() |
Departmental Activities:
The department has organized two state level seminars: “Recent Advances in Applied Zoology” on 2nd January, 2012 and “Recent Advances in Life Sciences and their Applications in Rural Development” on 10th and 11th February, 2017.
- The staff members of the department have published 09 research papers in various National/ International reputed, Peer reviewed Journals and Proceedings.
- The department has organized a webinar on “Snake Awareness” on 26thAugust 2021.
- 18 students from department participated in Bee-keeping training programme organized by Central Bee Research and Training Institute, Pune and Bhagavatipur Grampanchayat.